Thursday, November 8, 2012

New You Resolutions!

The holidays are right around the corner, and we all know what that means – New Year’s Resolutions!  Instead of making a resolution that you know will be ridiculously hard to keep, here’s a list of 10 resolutions that will be easy and beneficial for your skin and health!
1. WEAR SUNSCREEN EVERY DAY – We know, we know…we preach this every blog almost.  But that should tell you how important a daily SPF of 30 or higher is!  Many women don’t like the texture of sunscreen, but with so many new formula’s coming out, it’s easy to find one you like. Look for "nongreasy" or "sheer" on the label.  Try our private-label Topix spray zinc, or La Roche Posay’s “Shaka” Anthelios 60 Ultra-Light Fluide, available at
2. TAKE OFF YOUR MAKEUP AT NIGHT- As someone who is a guilty party when it comes to night time makeup remover, this will absolutely be one of my resolutions this year! You've known since middle school that makeup can mix with skin oils and dirt to cause zits. Cosmetics can also trap skin-damaging free radicals that float in the air (think: bus exhaust) against your skin. But it always seems like such a hassle to drag yourself to the bathroom and splash water everywhere!  So what can make it easier? If you have no plans for the evening, wash you face as soon as you get home and into your comfy clothes!  Still too burdening?  Use a makeup remover towelette for easy makeup removal.
3. BOOK A YEARLY MOLE CHECK – It’s once a year, but having a mole checkup is crucial, even if you are doing monthly self exams. It could mean the difference between life and death.

4. EXFOLIATE REGULARLY – The first thing we notice as we get older is our dull complexion.  Did you know a baby’s skin replenishes itself every 14 days, but by age 30, it takes 28 days? Scrub away the dead skin with an exfoliator!  Try Vivite’s Exfoliating Facial Cleanser once or twice a week, or a daily cleanser containing glycolic acid such as Topix Glycolic 10% Cleanser, which will help your skin stay smooth and bright!  Both are available at

5. CLEAN YOUR MAKEUP BRUSHES - Brushes collect makeup, skin oils, and dead skin cells, making them a breeding ground for bacteria. Wash your tools twice a month with your facial cleanser or an antibacterial hand soap.  Rinse well, squeeze out excess water, and allow to dry thoroughly before using again.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Discount Botox

I love coupons.  I grew up in a house where we only bought the breakfast cereals my mother had coupons for, and I swore I would never be like that – but I guess we all become our mother sometime.  However, a coupon for your favorite Kellogg’s cereal is completely different than a group discount site (think Groupon) offering deals on Botox and other injectables.  Recently, a group discount site (who shall remain nameless) had an offer for "20 Units of Botox.” For $165.00, they were offering 20 units of Botox (about enough for one site).  Our office charges $300 a site – sounds like a pretty good deal, right?

Wrong…According to Dr. Robert Louton, “Plastic surgeons most often bring in new patients by word of mouth from previously happy patients.  Would you feel comfortable being injected by a doctor who has to advertise with a group discount site and offer such low price in order to bring patients in?

If you ever see an advertisement for this, and are starting to consider it, think about these two things: 

1. Will a doctor be in the facility? Just because a spa has a medical director doesn't mean he or she will be administering the treatment. State regulations vary, and some states don't even require a doctor to be on site, much less in the room.  A doctor should always be in the vicinity in case of an emergency.

2. If a doctor is present, is he or she a dermatologist or plastic surgeon? If not, then you may want to reconsider. Would you want your hair and nails styles managed by a plastic surgeon? Then why would you want your injected Botox to be done by your hair stylist or the women who does your facials? Plastic surgeons are specialists who understand the full range of cosmetic procedures available. They know if your issues are best solved with a syringe of Botox or Juvaderm—or if you'd be better served by a peel or some other procedure.

Bottom line – when it comes to your health and injectables, cheaper is not better.  Blair Plastic Surgery participates in Allergan’s Brilliant Distinctions Program, as well as offering an in-house special.  When a patient purchases 3 sites of Botox within one year, he/she will receive one site for free.  The special applies to Juvaderm as well.  


Product review

Elizabeth has a new product review!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

November Product Spotlight- Topix

The arrival of November brings our Spotlight to Topix!

Topix Pharmaceuticals provides our Skin Care Krew with our very own line of products. From retinols to sunscreens, Topix has our patients covered. Antioxidant rich, Topix products can be very calming and soothing to the skin. 

Some of our favorite products will be covered this month not only by our regular Krew, but also other members of our Blair Plastic Surgery Staff.

Are there any specific products you would like to see reviewed? Leave your suggestions in the comments or email us at


Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Re thinking the ink

On my eighteenth birthday, I got a tattoo and went on a road trip to Canada. Tattoos are like potato chips to me, and I did not stop at just one. I got a second tattoo, the oh so popular tramp stamp of the early 2000's a few months after. It seemed like a really good idea at the time.

Now, quite a few years later, I have rethought my tattoos. The placement is less than ideal, the tattoos themselves just aren't me. I approached Dr Fanny about attempting to remove my tattoos via laser treatments.

I started treatment in late 2011.

Each treatment only takes about 10-15 minutes. The treatment time varies based on size, patient tolerance and if settings must be changed. Dr Fanny traces the tattoo thoroughly to make sure all of the ink absorbs laser energy. Once the ink reacts with the laser it is up to the body itself to clear the ink out of the area. Multiple treatments are necessary, and require aftercare and lots of patience.

After care includes washing the area twice daily with antibacterial soap, reapplying triple antibiotic or antibacterial ointment and keeping the area from becoming sun exposed.

Tattoo removal works best on red and black ink, and some colors may not react at all.

The best way to find out if laser treatment is right for you is to come on in! Pricing is based on the size of the tattoo and all tattoos need to be evaluated by a Skin Care Krew staff member prior to treatment.


Friday, October 26, 2012

Seasonal Skincare

Fall is here and so is the need to switch up our skincare! 

We have pick up a couple of quick and easy tips, and want to make everyone's seasonal transition a bit easier this year!

-Use a humidifier. A humidifier in your home or apartment will keep the ambient humidity a bit higher which will help the feeling of dryness on the skin.

-Swith to lukewarm water when cleansing the skin. Hot water strips the skin of essential oils and over dryness may occur as a result.

-Consider going fragrance free. Fragrance and dye free skincare products will be less irritation than other products.

- Don't forget the SPF! Sun protection is essential 365 days a year, not just in the summer!


Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Does your skin really need to breathe?

We hear this every day in the office. A woman will come and in while reviewing her skin history, she will talk about breaks that she takes from products, make up or both to allow her skin to breathe.

So, do we really need to give our skin a chance to breathe?

For some people, the benefits of being able to go without make up are great. They feel that their skin stays clearer the less product that they have to apply.The biggest breakout culprits are oil, fragrances, allergens and preservatives. However, if make up is properly removed each evening, there should not be an issue with clogged pores and breakout. There is no need to allow the skin to breathe.

The top layer of skin is dead and does not require respiration. When people refer to allowing the skin to breathe, they are usually talking about not occluding the skin with heavy creams or lotions. The lower layers of skin are really the layers that we need to concentrate on feeding and nourishing with effective vitamins C and vitamin A

Do you take a break from products to allow your skin to breathe?
